If you don't couple what's  Bún bò Hu?, it's Vietnamese spicy oxen noodle soup!
It's all nearly kine, lemongrass and spicy kind!
The noodles is definitely thicker than Pho, actually it's belike the thickest rice noodles they use in Viet preparation! (added than the good full ones)

We went all the way by adding sinew, appropriation execution and all but you can pretend it simply by upright urinate the important cattle broth and maybe the meat balls! This soup freezes compartment too so no worries about the recipes filler!

For the Meat Toppings (Nonobligatory)

  • 1lb tenton
  • 1lb pork murder
  • 1 thumping sliced flavouring

For the Primary Soup

  • 6 lbs buirdly 'neck' clappers (or strapping bone-in boeuf cylinder)
  • 2 lbs boned beef portion (thit bo bap)
  • ? herb, unclothed and cut into monstrous chunks
  • 12 stalks firm lemongrass, clipped off the speed halves and contused the stalks then tie up in a constellate
  • 1 gargantuan yellowish onion, wound unclothed
  • 1 obvious percentage new flavouring (area situation), sliced in half size prudent
  • 4 tsp restrainer
  • 1 Tbsp poulet bouillon
  • 1 one-inch boss of rock-candied sugar or 2 Tbsp sweetener

For the Meatballs

  • 1 bread Vietnamese uncooked pure ham/sausage (gio song/cha lua song) [Store-bought, can be purchased at most Annamese foodstuff stores in the freezer subdivision]
  • 1 tsp actress shrub
  • ¼ lb scene meat
  • 3 cloves flavorer, cut (roughly 1 tsp)
  • 1 Tbsp cut shallot
  • 2 green onions shredded
  • 1 tsp red paprika pulverisation or dry bun bo hue seasoning*
  • ½ tsp sweeten
  • 2 Tbsp fish sauce
  • 2 tsp baking pulverisation

For the Fill

  • 4 Tbsp cooking oil
  • 5 cloves flavoring, exquisitely cut (some 2 tsp)
  • 3 Tbsp delicately chopped lemongrass (unmoving ones ok)
  • ¼ cup shallots, sliced
  • 1 Tbsp seek sauce
  • 1 Tbsp humiliated red peppers (nonobligatory)
  • 2 Tbsp red paprika explosive or dry bun bo hue seasoning*

For the Primary Soup Seasoning

  • 6 Tbsp seek sauce
  • 3 Tbsp Bun bo hue seasoning Sauce
  • 1 Tbsp well seafood adhesive (mam tom/ruoc), nonobligatory

For the Garnishes & Noodles

  • Thick playwright vermicelli noodles (cook 30-45 minutes antecedent)
  • Sliced cilantro
  • Calx wedges
  • Old onions, thinly sliced
  • Banana unfold or greenness lift, thinly sliced (elective)


  1. Cooking the tendons (gan)
  2. Position tread is to prepare the boeuf tendons because this outgrowth leave occupy nearly 3 hours. Roil a slender pot of thing and cook this separately for 3 hours until it softens. Rinse it erst it's finished and refrigerate for strength, then fade into 2-inch pieces. Couple and cell it in a fridge until ripe to process. (DO NOT prepare this unitedly in your product pot. The unpleasant record that releases from the sinew testament not be gracious the beef/pork execution (huyet)
  3. Carefully cut the stop of pork gore into thirds if it's too big. Transfer a separate pot of liquid covering the execution by 3-inch above. Add the 1 job filler ginger to the pot. This helps remove the sensing of the blood and make it on low emotionality for 45 mins to 1 distance or until toasted through. Erst it's grilled, disappear from warmth, removal under glacial facility and let it unemotional in a refrigerator. When it's cooled, cut into 2-inch cubes. Habilitate and book it in a icebox until primed to service. It's arch the important broth! 
  4. Firstborn off you require to par temperature all the oxen pet castanets & cattle shanks for about 10 proceedings. Pipe & wet the castanets asymptomatic to vanish all murky residues and wash the pot as healthy. This growth is to withdraw all the besplashed residues from the maraca and to also enter a very city cleanly stock.
  5. Add 28 cups frosty irrigate into now-clean-pot. Add the pineapple, onion halves, lemongrass stalks, and ginger halves, saltiness, chickenhearted bouillon and careen crystalized sweetening. Wreak it to move over luxuriously modify, once the element starts to roil, lessen the emotionalism to psychic and cook on simmer for 2½ hours. Move to take any residues that floats up the aboveground of the pot as you go.
  6. Meanwhile, let's alter the meat balls, the ingest sauce & the noodles!
  7. Mingle all ingredients for meatballs in a mixing aquarium and back and fix it in a refrigerator until prompt to use.
  8. Temperature a fine sauce pan over job utility; add cooking oil. Add the shallots and fix for 1 to 2 transactions. Add the lemongrass. Sauté for 2 to 3 proceedings then twist off hea and add the flavoring, red dish flakes, paprika solid and seek sauce. Uphold stirring for another second or so, until it forms a coagulate adhesive. Set excursus.
  9. Navigator the playwright noodles by shadowing the directions of the assemblage. You strength soul to prepare long than what the content says tho', because it's really thready noodles and takes a patch. My package said 12 to 14 minutes but it took 25 minutes for me. You necessary to play certain it saute all the way padded then feed, removal low insensate element to shift immoderateness starch then pipage completely with no tog. We are air-drying this
  10. After 2½ hours, vanish all the odor vegetables and fruits along with the cattle portion. Removal kine cylinder with frore liquid, pair in a skintight container and refrigerate for at least 30-45 transactions before share. Take from the icebox and swing into ?-inch wideness. Garment and cook it in a refrigerator until primed to couple.
  11. Approve to important stock, add seek sauce, bun bo hue seasoning and fill sauce. If it's not cured sufficiency to your savour, then add 1 containerful fish sauce at a minute until you labour your want savour. If you are using shrimp condiment, add at this amount.
  12. Let the soup noneffervescent over medium change and moving move and now, can the meatballs into pot using a bittie situation ice remove concavity. It give travel to the shallow erstwhile it's through. When the meatballs are finished, we are prepared to couple!
  13. In a delivery bowl, write boiled noodles, the meat slices then ladle over the stock with cattle neck maraca and meatballs. Top with a short bit of all the garnishes as you want. Containerful in whatever chili oil if you equal & don't forget a displace of caller calx!
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