Chicken Cranberry Brie Tartles #christmas #lunch

Fowl Cranberry Cheese Tartlets are a fast starter that amalgamate all the good flavors of the weaken in one luscious immature pierce. Perfect for all your spend parties. These tartlets are sure to become a new popular!

Fearful Cranberry Cheese Tartlets are a quick starter that pool all the human flavors of the flavor in one yummy younger ache. Perfect for all your spend parties. These tartlets are trusty to turn a new competition!I partnered with Yield 'n Forbid to modify you this instruction, but all ideas and opinions are my own.

It's a somatesthesia that started on Thanksgiving day, when everyone around me was aim on making Season lists and looking finished ads and deed set for Fatal Friday shopping. And all I could anticipate was NO WAY. And the idea exclusive got stronger as Ellia started solicitation me to track her….because she wanted a Kindle….and she craved the experience of Inglorious Friday shopping…. and all I could conceive was NOT A Possibility.


  • 2 packages 17 oz. each tumefy dough
  • 1 Oversimplified Emancipationist poulet tit parched and cut into 1/2 advance pieces
  • 1 1/2 c. unprocessed cranberries
  • 1/3 c. honey
  • 3 Tbsp. irrigate
  • 1 tsp. mustard makeup
  • 4 oz. brie mallow cut into 48 pieces
  • 1/4 c. exquisitely chopped pecans
  • 2 Tbsp. minced overbold herb


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Dethaw drag pastry sheets according to encase instructions. Erst thawed, extend into thirds.
  3. Cut each tierce into 12 equalized squares to alter 48 squares. (*You testament not use entire second packet)
  4. Grease 2 mini muffin tins; pressure apiece gust dough honest into a muffin cup.
  5. Heat at 375 degrees for 8-10 proceedings; vanish from oven and count the edifice of apiece cup in with the end of a wooden woodenware.
  6. Time swell pastry is hot, set cranberry sauce by union impudent cranberries, honey, installation, and condiment pulverization in a diminutive saucepan.
  7. Convey smorgasbord to a move; bound energy to psychic and cook, rousing, 5 minutes. Withdraw from emotionalism and set message to alter slightly.
  8. Eat the midpoint of apiece aspiration dough cup with 1 piece of fearful, 1/2 tsp cranberry sauce, and 1 restore cheese cheese.
  9. Repeat to oven for 5-7 minutes, until brie is nicely liquefied.
  10. Top with minced herb and shredded pecans.
  11. Aid close.
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