Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake
- 1 (18.25 oz.) chocolatè cakè mix
- 1 (3.4 oz.) packagè instant chocolatè pudding mix
- 2 cups sour crèam
- 3 èggs
- 1/3 cup vègètablè oil
- 1/2 cup watèr
- 2 cups sèmi-swèèt chocolatè chips
- Prèhèat ovèn to 350 dègrèès. Grèasè and flour a 10-inch bundt pan.
- In thè bowl of a stand mixèr, bèat all ingrèdiènts (èxcèpt chocolatè chips) until wèll blèndèd. Fold in chocolatè chips.
- Spoon battèr (it will bè thick) into prèparèd pan.
- Bakè for 50 minutès to 1 hour.
- Cool for 15 minutès in thè pan bèforè turning out onto a wirè rack to cool complètèly.
Gèt full instructions, visit Original Rècipè
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