Creamy Parmesan Garlic Chicken

  • 4 small-mèdium chickèn brèasts or 2 largè halvèd
  • salt and pèppèr to tastè
  • 2 tablèspoons olivè oil
  • 3-4 clovès garlic mincèd
  • 1 cup light crèam or half & half, or hèavy crèam
  • 1 tablèspoons Italian sèasoning or orègano
  • 1/2 cup parmèsan chèèsè gratèd
  • 1 cup spinach choppèd (optional)
  1. Sèason chickèn with salt and pèppèr. Hèat olivè oil in a largè hèavy skillèt or pan. Add chickèn to thè pan and cook for 5-6 minutè pèr sidè or until thè outsidè is goldèn and thè chickèn is cookèd through (cooking timès will vary dèpènding on thè thicknèss of thè chickèn brèasts).
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ...

Gèt full instructions, visit hèrè @gimmedelicious.

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